The Brain’s Hemisphere and The Choices We Make: From Pets to Companions

Brain dominance affects not only our career and personal decisions but also our choice in companions. Those with right-brained tendencies may prefer spontaneous, free-spirited friends and activities that suit their exploratory nature. In contrast, left-brained individuals often seek structure and purpose in their relationships and pastimes. Aligning activities and companions with one's own tendencies can help avoid frustration and maximize satisfaction. For example, mixing a goal-oriented person with someone more laid-back can lead to disagreements. Therefore, choosing companions based on the nature of the activity, whether it's goal-driven or exploratory, contributes to a more harmonious experience.


The quest for understanding ourselves, especially our brain’s dominant hemisphere, has intrigued both scientists and laymen for decades. From determining whether one is predominantly ‘right brained’ or ‘left brained’, it brings about a plethora of questions on how such knowledge can be translated to the choices we make daily. Perhaps one of the most whimsical yet deeply insightful questions emerging from this exploration is: Should our understanding of our dominant hemisphere influence our choice of pets, or even our human companions?

1. The Framework of Hemisphere Dominance:  

Human brains are broadly categorized into two dominant hemispheres: the left and the right. Those leaning towards the left hemisphere typically display traits like logical reasoning, analytical skills, and goal driven behaviors. In contrast, right brained individuals often showcase holistic thinking, intuition, creativity, and spontaneity. These inherent tendencies form the bedrock of our preferences, behaviors, and choices.

2. Choosing a Pet Aligned with Brain Dominance:  

Selecting a pet, for many, is a decision steeped in emotion, instinct, and personal preference. Neuropsychiatry suggests that our inherent brain dominance may subconsciously guide these choices. Just like the earlier anecdote about the purposeful German Shepherd (left brained) and the explorative Basset Hound (right brained), we might find more joy and harmony with pets that mirror our own dominant tendencies. Thus, understanding our own nature could guide us in choosing a pet that complements our lifestyle and temperament.

3. The Human Companions in Our Lives:  

Expanding beyond the realm of pets, our brain’s dominance can have significant implications for our human interactions. Companionship, be it friendships, romantic relationships, or professional partnerships, thrives on compatibility and understanding. When one engages in activities with someone whose brain dominance starkly contrasts their own, conflicts may arise. For instance, attempting a relaxed, spontaneous outing with a highly analytical, goal driven person might prove less than satisfactory for both parties. Therefore, being conscious of these nuances can aid in fostering more harmonious relationships.

4. The Art of Choosing Companions for Specific Activities:  

Life is a mosaic of various activities, each requiring a different mindset. Some events demand purposefulness, while others are best enjoyed with a hedonistic approach. Recognizing this and selecting companions accordingly can significantly enhance the experience. A task oriented project might benefit from left brained individuals, while a brainstorming creative session might thrive with right brained participants. Thus, the art of choosing companions based on the activity’s nature can reduce friction and elevate the overall experience.


The mysteries of the brain’s hemispheres unravel intriguing insights into our choices, from the pets we adopt to the human companions we cherish. Recognizing and embracing this knowledge offers a pathway to more harmonious interactions and a richer life experience.

In the orchestra of life, understanding our dominant tune helps us choose the right partners for the dance.

Explanation of the Quote:  

The quote illustrates the essence of the discourse, emphasizing that by understanding and acknowledging our inherent dominant tendencies (our ‘tune’), we are better equipped to select companions, be it pets or humans, that resonate with our rhythm, ensuring a harmonious ‘dance’ through life’s myriad experiences.

Oliver The Brainy Owl

Oliver The Brainy Owl

Oliver, whose musings speak for & to us is our Mascot. Inspired by his namesake the erudite neurologist & writer Late Professor Oliver Sacks, he shares periodically, pearls of wisdom about the brain and mind. Hailing from a long lineage that has been associated with health over millennia, Oliver traces his ancestry to Athena & Minerva the Greek & Roman goddesses of health, philosophy & magic. Not to be mistaken for his comic counterpart...

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